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8 Key advantages of Plastic Injection Molding
Plastic injection molding is known as the most common and efficient manufacturing process of plastic parts. The principal advantage of injection molding is the ability to produce...
Intense Black in One Shot
THE MOST INTENSE AND GLOSSY BLACK IS AVAILABLE NOW WITHOUT SECONDARY OPERATIONS. With HD Plastics™ and Roctool's heat & cool technology, OEMs can reach an unprecedented level...
How Roctool tackles composite industry’s most pressing needs.
Journalist: So if you look at the Roctool molding technology, what are some of the aspects where you see the need for such technology growing going forward ? Lionel SCHAAL (Key...
Roctool induction heating to characterise ELIX Ultra HH4115HI
Roctool induction heating technology used to characterise ELIX Ultra HH4115HI ELIX Polymers, a leading producer of ABS polymers and blends, says important improvements to surface...
Plastic injection molding can be eco-friendlier than you think
Once plastics were invented in early 1900’s, using plastics and making plastic products has become an inseparable part of how humankind in expanding the boundaries of creativity....
Roctool LIT: for automotive and aeronautical applications
Roctool LIT: A high performance and cost effective solution for automotive and aeronautical applications Introduction While cycle time remains a high target for the composites...
2025 Press Releases
2024 Press Releases
2023 Press Releases
- 20231016 Positive Plastics partnership with Roctool PR ENG
- 20231016 Positive Plastics partenariat avec Roctool CP FR
- 20231012 Roctool RH2 ENG
- 20231012 Roctool RS2 FR
- 20230919 PR ENRX Roctool ENG
- 20230919 CP ENRX Roctool FR
- 20230919 PR ENRX Roctool DE
- 20230720 Roctool_PR CA H12023 ENG
- 20230720 Roctool_CP CA S12023 FR
- 20230301 Roctool Freudenberg Communiqué de presse FR
- 20230301 Roctool Freudenberg Press mitteilung DE
- 20230301 Roctool Freudenberg PR ENG
- 20230116 Roctool Standex CP FR
- 20230116 Roctool Standex PR ENG
2022 Press Releases
- 20221108 PR after K-show Roctool ENG
- 20221108 CP Roctool FR
- 20221019 PR Roctool K2022 ENG
- 20221019 Pressmitteilung Roctool K2022 DE
- 20221019 CP Roctool K2022 FR
- 20221019 Comunicato-Stampa_Roctool-K2022_IT
- 20221003 PR Eco-molding by Roctool EN Luxepack 2022
- 20221003 CP Eco-molding by Roctool FR Luxepack 2022
- 20220922 Engel PR K-2022 teletronics
- 20220504 Roctool PR EASYPOC CEA
- 20220504 Roctool CP EASYPOC CEA
- 20201109 CP Roctool Decathlon
- 20201109 PR Roctool Decathlon
2019-2021 Press Releases
- 202105-Roctool-Recycleather
- 20210506CP_Roctool_CEA_FR
- 20210507PR_Roctool_CEA_ENG
- 20210922_Roctool_Luxepack_ENG
- 20210922_Roctool_Luxepack_FR
- 20211005_Roctool_Partenariat_CEA_Eng-Final
- 20211005_Roctool_Partenariat_CEA_FR-Final
- 20211109_PR-ELIX-Polymers-and-Roctool-join-forces-to-increase-the-chemical-resistance-of-healthcare-applications_EN
- CP_Roctool_Chinaplas_2021
- CP_Roctool_ROSTI
- CP_Un_an_de_partenariat_Texen_Roctool
- CP-Authentic-Material-Roctool-Nov_2021-FR-FINAL
- CP-Estée-Lauder-Roctool-FR
- ELC_Clinique_Roctool-Press-Release
- PLAST_DESIGN_GIUGNO_LUGLIO21_Roctool-GF-magazine-cover-and-article
- PR_Roctool_Chinaplas_2021 PR_Roctool_ROSTI
- PR_The_eco_design_solutions_of_the_partnership-between-Texen-and-Roctool
- PR-Authentic-Material-Roctool-Nov_-2021-ENG-Final
- 20201109-CP_Roctool-Decathlon
- 20201109-PR_Roctool-Decathlon
- CP_Beaumont_Roctool_02112020
- CP_Roctool_TEXEN
- CP-Roctool-nouveaux-materiaux-FR-Final
- CP-Roctool-PCD-2020-Final-ENG
- CP-Roctool-PCD-2020-Final-FR
- PR_Beaumont_Roctool_02112020
- PR-Roctool-New-Materials-ENG-Final
- 20191015-CP_Roctool_KShow2019-FR
- 20191015-PM_Roctool_KShow2019-DE
- 20191015-PR_Roctool_KShow2019-ENG
- 20191022-CP-Roctool-Goodmark-Partnership-FR
- 20191022-PR-Roctool-Good-Mark-Partnership
- CP_Roctool_06032019_Coree_VF
- PR_Roctool_20190306_Korea_ENG
2016-2018 Press Releases
- 20181106 PR_Roctool_Shanghai_Opening ENG
- 20181112 CP_Roctool_ouverture_Shanghai_FR
- 20180928 CP_Roctool_resultats-S1-2018_ENG
- 20180928 CP_Roctool_resultats-S1-2018_FR
- 20180629 Flash-Roctool-Post-Bourse
- 20180627 CP_Roctool_Réalisation_Augmentation_de_Capital
- 20180425 PR_Roctool_Chinaplas-ENG
- 20180425 CP_Roctool_Chinaplas-2018-FR
- 20180419 CP NPE-FR
- 20180419 Roctool-PR-NPE-2018-ENG
- 20180103 PR_Roctool_ATI_ENG
- 20180103 CP_Roctool_ATI_FR CP_Roctool_Chine
- 20171112 PR_Roctool_China_ENG
- 20170928CP-Roctool-design-team_FR
- 20170928 PR-Roctool-design-team_ENG
- 20170629-CP-KraussMaffei-et-Roctool-signent-un-accord-stratégique-de-partenariat-global-FR
- 20170629-PM-KraussMaffei-und-Roctool-unterzeichnen-DE
- 20170629-PR-KraussMaffei-and-Roctool-sign-Global-Collaboration-Agreement-ENG
- 20170614-PR-Roctool-FLEX-ENG
- 20161011-RocTool-Communiqué-de-presse-résultats-semestriels
- 20161011-RocTool-Press-release-half-year-results
- 20160902 RocTool-Press-release-K-2016-ENG
- 20160902 RocTool-Press-release-K-2016-DE
- 20160902 RocTool-Press-release-K-2016-FR
- 20160408 RocTool-Press-release-HD-Plastics-official-launch
- 20160408 RocTool-Press-release-HD-Plastics-lancement-officiel-avril-2016-FR
- 20160323 CP_Roctool_PEA-PME
- 20160204 Roctool-Communiqué-LIT-FR
- 20160204 RocTool-Press-release-LIT-ENG
- 20160120 RocTool-Performance-Cooling-2016
- 20160120 RocTool-Performance-Cooling-2016-FR
- 20160120 RocTool-Performance-Cooling-2016-DE
2012-2015 Press Releases
- 14092015_RocTool_Flextronics_VA
- 20140626_JuTeng_RocTool_joint_press_release_En
- 20140626_JuTeng_RocTool_joint_press_release_Fr
- 20140930-RocTool-Appointments-EN
- 20140930-RocTool-Nominations-FR_0
- 20141014-Flextronics-RocTool-FR
- 20141014-Flextronics-RocTool
- 20150223-RocTool-Volvo-contrat-de-licence
- 20150223-RocTool-Volvo-license-agreement
- 20151126-RocTool-3-annonces-T4-2015
- 20151126-RocTool-3-news-Q4-2015-2
- ABC-Group-and-RocTool-2015-Feb-ENG
- ABC-Group-and-RocTool-2015-Feb-FR
- CP_RocTool_131113_EN
- CP_RocTool_131113_FR
- CP_RT_triples_turnover_CHINESE0503
- CP_RT_triples_turnover_English_version_final
- CP_RT_triples_turnover_Jp_version_final_20130503
- Nomination-JM-Demeautis-DV
- Nomination-JM-Demeautis-english-DV
- Ouverture_de_la_filiale_allemande_FR
- press-release_2012-02-27_licensingOut_en
- press-release_2012-02-27_licensingOut_fr
- press-release_2012-06-27_Lancement_de_deux_nouvelles_technologies
- press-release_2012-06-27_Roctool_launches_two_revolutionary_technologies
- press-release_2013_Alternext_English
- press-release_2013_Alternext_FR
- press-release_2013_k_show_DE
- press-release_2013_k_show_EN
- press-release_2013_k_show_FR
- Press-release_RocTool_schreibt_Exklusivlizenz_für_Luftfahrtanwendungen_aus
- Press-release_RocTool_to_sell_an_exclusive_License_for_Aerospace_applications
- RocTool_CP_JEC_AWARDS_24-02-2014
- RocTool_CP_JEC_AWARDS_24-02-2014eng
- RocTool_CP_Ju_Teng_s_equipe_de_la_technologie_RocTool_06_02_2014
- RocTool_PR_Ju_Teng_is_equipped_with_Roctool_s_technology_-02_06_2014
- RocTool-at-FAKUMA-2015-English
- RocTool-at-FAKUMA-2015-Français
- RocTool-at-NPE-2015-English
- RocTool-JEC-Award-Motorola-DV_0
- RocTool-JEC-Award-Motorola-english-DV
- RocTool-Moldflow-DE RocTool-Moldflow-ENG
- RocTool-Moldflow-FR
- RocTool-Pressemeldung-German
- Subsidiary_Germany_ENG
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